Sunday, March 4, 2012

Self Portraits Tips

Self Portraits can be a tough obstacle to overcome especially since photographers aren't used to being on the other end of a lens. Here are some pointers of how to handle yourself and the tools you may need in this new position.

  • Timer  Almost every camera has a timer for shooting nowadays. What better way to use it. With the timer it allows you to get prepared while the camera waits to take the shot. Timers are great for action shots or to get into a crazy pose.
  • Tripod  If you can afford one, try to invest in a tripod. With this you can adjust the frame before you take your shot and it also allows your to be hand free to pose more comfortably in the shot. Adios Myspace photos circa 2002!
  • Props  Don't be afraid to use something to express yourself in a photo. Self portraits don't have to be photos of just you face like an ID card. You could easily not include you face at all but instead your hands holding your favorite tool, your feet in some silly socks, etc. The idea is to be creative with the photo so it can express your inner self.
  • Lighting  This is one thing I harp on for any photo including self portraits. Lighting effects everything in a photo. Be aware of where you are shooting so if you need lights don't be afraid to find some. My husband can testify to my crazy light schemes in the house while trying to get the perfect shot. If you don't want to invest in an expensive light kit, Home Depot has construction lights that do the job for cheap.
  • Perspective  Change the way the picture is portrayed by taking pictures at new angles. Get up high or down low and tease the camera with your eyes. Try some photos where you don't make eye contact so it moves the viewer to a different direction or space.
  • Emotion  Play the part people! You are not a runway model so no need to be so serious. Let your true character shine and don't be afraid about looking dumb. The nice thing about self portraits is that you have full control over the shooting. You will be the decision maker on what final photos are shown so just experiment until you get what you want.

If you need some ideas or inspiration you should check out Flickr. They have whole groups dedicated to taking SP photographs for 365 days a year. I leave you with with 2 photos of myself that I took this morning. Nothing too crazy but I like them none the less. Enjoy!

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